Permit Facilitation and Training

Through lead consultant and Principal Stan Dueck, FIM Services offers experience and expertise in the construction permit process at the City of Winnipeg. With over 8 years of experience as Manager of Development and Inspections, Stan's expert guidance can help you anticipate and navigate potential roadblocks, reduce your time involvement, and improve your chances for success.

In any construction project, time is money. When the permit process is delayed, projects are delayed, resulting in:
  • Delayed opening of new businesses
  • Construction penalties when contractors fail to meet commitments
  • Extended financing
  • Lawsuits
  • Business failure

Winnipeg’s permit process can be confusing and frustrating for applicants who are new to the process or who are not actively managing their permit as a project.

FIM can help you in:
  • Gaining a better understanding of the process, potential issues, and the keys to success early in your project,
  • Training your team to understand how to improve their ability to navigate the process, or
  • Navigating through what appears to be a frustrating impasse – starting with a clear understanding of the issues and advocating on your behalf, or working directly with the design team and builder to satisfy the City's requirements.

Let us know where FIM can help facilitate, inform, or manage your construction permit journey from pre-application to final occupancy.

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